You have reached the blog of a class
  • So differing her characters
  • So withering her students are
  • So eccentric, the individuals are
  • Its true, this is the only class in Millennia that warrants your fear
  • After all, science classes are just jokes, aren't they?

  • 06A1 2007
  • 28 Discerning Individuals
  • Of the grandest traditions of Millennia Institute
  • Of the descendants of TTC and BC
  • Of 20 females and 8 males
  • Of 2007, In Block F, 3rd Floor, last Tutorial Room

  • Mmmm. Mmmm.

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    Thursday 5 April 2007
    I believe most can safely say that the CIP trip to Jamiyah Home of the Aged is more than just a trip. Really fun to see how 06A1 is willing to chip in and contribute to what is essentially lacking in the society: Compassion for individuals are not as fortunate or as materially-satisfied.

    Most of us have seen what these old folks have for everyday: Food, sit around and thats about all. For losers like "Anonymous" (06*4) who complained how little life have for us, youth and slaves of the workforce in the future, should be contented. What 06A1 witness is a pillage of human being, ghettoed in a centralised location, they call "home". Yet in this ghetto, they see beyond themselves, each of them who shared their experiences and histories with us, lived a life that is definitely not contained by their plight today: being dumped in an aged home.

    What 06A1 have offered today is not just the hours of entertaining, helping around the home; I am sure Jamiyah Home can do much better than us. What we offered is beyond our perception, subconsciously, we provided solace to them, and definitely, the smiles that accompanied our words when we converse, and the sincerity in our intentions when we offered to sing, play or simply just to engage a conversation.

    These are more than just words, because behind the façade of us saying "oh I came because institute says so", during that particular hours, we did indeed spent some glorious moments understanding these group of people, who probably made more contribution to Singapore than we had. We showed them that behind those walls of their "home", live a group of individuals who wished to show compassion for them, who wish to communication with them.

    06A1, you did well at the "home".

    *P.S.: "Anonymous"'s name was removed after she protested the mention of her name.